• Clean Recovery Centers

    Addiction treatment center in Sarasota County, Florida





    What We Do

    Our approach to recovery is holistic, meaning that we address the mind, body, and spirit of each individual. Our team of experienced counselors, medical professionals, and support staff work together to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet each client's unique needs.

    We provide a range of evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, individual and group therapy, trauma therapy, and addiction education. Additionally, we offer alternative therapies like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices that can help our clients achieve a state of physical, spiritual, and emotional balance.


    At Clean Recovery Centers, we understand that addiction is a complex disease that requires ongoing support and care. That's why we offer a comprehensive aftercare program and ongoing support to our clients and their families to help them achieve long-term success in their sobriety.

    If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or mental health issues, we can help. Contact us today and take the first step toward a clean and fulfilling life.


    Why we are unique. 

    At Clean Recovery Centers, we provide top-notch stabilization, analysis, and treatment programs that incorporate proven evidence-based practices, medication management, and our unique Three-Phase Approach that caters to every stage of recovery. Notably, we acknowledge that there are several routes to recovery; hence, we make it our priority to design personalized plans that address the physical, spiritual, mental, and social needs of our clients holistically.

    In all our programs, we emphasize the inherent strength of our clients. Our approach is to foster the growth of the positive aspects of each person instead of dwelling on their weaknesses. Our efforts have paid off tremendously, as evidenced by the remarkable and transformative results we have seen within three to six months. Join us at Clean Recovery Centers today and take the first step towards a fulfilling and healthy life in recovery.






  • The Three-Phase Approach 

    Get Clean


    Although every person's road to recovery is different, detoxification frequently ushers in the process. Our Phase I program at Clean Recovery Centers is a three- to four-week residential program that is supported by medical staff 24 hours a day. Our customers get the assistance they need at this period to start the healing process and stabilize their physical and mental health. They go through this time to be ready for the next steps on their path to long-term recovery.

    Live Clean


    Clean Recovery Centers' Phase II program is designed to help clients transition out of Phase I towards independent recovery. This phase can be either non-residential or residential, and offers an opportunity to address underlying issues that may have contributed to addiction. Typically lasting two to three weeks, Phase II places clients on either a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Track or a Mental Health Treatment Track, depending on their unique needs.

    Stay Clean




    Stay Clean



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  • Contact Us

    Name: Clean Recovery Centers

    Address: 6000 Deacon Pl

    Sarasota, FL 34238


    Phone: (941) 269-1660

    Email: info@cleanrecoverycenters.com

    Website: https://www.cleanrecoverycenters.com/locations/sarasota